The second of your two pictures showing the threatened bowling green, (January 1), showed two suspicious mounds, suggesting they have begun to dig it up already - all done and dusted, as happened previously with the tennis courts on the northern side of the pavilion. What surprises me is the statement by the organiser of the annual Festival of Bowls, who you might expect to be a fervent supporter of the retention of the green, to the effect that a boost in car parking spaces will actually be of benefit.

What does not surprise me is the statement at the end of the article that the borough council, who own the land and are presumably making the application, conclude that the change will relieve congestion and “increase wealth of the council and local businesses”.

The upshot of which is that another precious and irreplaceable resource, the envy of many competing resorts, is to be sacrificed at the altar of making more money; costs and the infernal bottom line over-riding the true worth of something.


Collingwood Road,

Great Yarmouth