Reader Valerie Jordan looked out this picture after reading the letter last week from David Wakefield, recalling happy days at the Star Hotel – following news of its boarding up.

Valerie’s late husband is in the picture, at the bar.

We forwarded it to David who replied: “Gosh, that brings back some memories. There are several familiar faces.

Standing on the left is Alf Hedges, former borough chief librarian. Next to him, in the light coloured jacket is (I think) Ben Russell, whose family ran the Hippodrome before the Jay family took over. Sitting at the bar, in the zip-up jacket, is John Winter, former mayor of the borough who worked for the Russells as house manager at the circus in his retirement.

“Second from right is Bryan Colton, a former EDP photographer who set up the Yarmouth Press Agency with the late John Myatt, operating from offices in Greyfriars Chambers, South Quay. Some of the “graduates” from the agency were Bryan’s son Bryn, who became EDP picture editor; Nolan Lincoln, who had a similar role; and Simon Finlay, still with the EDP/EN photographic team.

“Next, left, is John Anderson - a senior reporter with the Yarmouth EDP staff (yes, there were separate staffs then) who joined the Press Agency, but later set up the Great Yarmouth News Agency with photographer Ivan Gould, operating from Anna Sewell House in Church Plain.

Further round to the left is Mrs Jordan’s late husband Aleyn; and behind them are two of the Star staff at the time, waiter Derek and barman Lenny (sorry, don’t know their surnames). Just wish I knew who the rest were as this was typical of the crowd one would always find in the Star Bar.

“The photograph might well have been taken by Les Gould, legendary Yarmouth staff photographer, known to thousands of Yarmouthians as “The Man from the Mercury” due to his incredible work output!”