A housing bid labelled 'stylish' by the developer has been deemed 'unnecessary' by planners.

Gorleston-based Aaron Daniell was seeking outline permission for three houses on land south of Manor Farm Cottage on Browston Lane in Browston.

He will have to go back to the drawing board, though, after planners at Great Yarmouth Borough Council refused the bid.

In a decision published this month, they said the proposed homes were "unnecessary" and the site was "an unsustainable location, away from public services and facilities".

"Future residents would be near totally reliant on the private car given the absence of accessible public transport links and unsafe walking and cycling environment," they added.

Another factor not supporting the proposal was the lack of employment opportunities.

READ MORE: Parish council against bid to build three houses in village

Belton with Browston Parish Council had objected to the plans, raising concerns about "a total lack of infrastructure" in the village.

Plans showed the houses having two parking spaces each, as well as gardens and garages. 

A document supporting the application had stated the proposed dwellings would "constitute a tasteful and stylish addition to the locality which mirrors a similar scheme at the immediately adjacent plot".