A bid to convert a guesthouse into a residential dwelling has been refused over concerns about the loss of tourist accommodation.

Rosalind Harwood had made a retrospective planning application to change the use of a nine-bedroom house called The Warren on Trafalgar Road in Great Yarmouth.

But a planning officer said the area is "crucial to supporting the borough's tourist economy" and that the applicant had not demonstrated that tourist use is no longer viable at the property.

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Borough councillor Michael Jeal, who represents Nelson ward, had objected to the proposal due to loss of guest accommodation in a "prime tourist area".

READ MORE: ‘We’re not a guesthouse’ - Man pestered by phone calls from people looking for a room

The application stated the change of use already started in January 2022, around the same time as the applicant bought the house.

The planning officer at Great Yarmouth Borough Council also raised concerns about the suitability of the property as a dwelling.

"The intensity of use of a nine-bedroom dwelling without outdoor amenity space would not be suitable and would create an oppressive environment for residents," the officer said.