An Olympic shot putter will be opening a family fun day event in her home village this weekend.

Sophia McKinna is the guest of honour of the Bradwell Village Show on Sunday.

The event at Green Lane Park runs between 1pm and 5pm and will see Vikings and Stormtroopers from Star Wars rub shoulders with the Olympian and visitors.

There will be food and craft stalls, children's games and activities and a range of animals, including alpacas, owls, parrots and sheep, to meet and see.

The event also has competitions, such as best fancy dress and biggest sunflower head.

For more information, including all the competition categories and how to enter, visit

Miss McKinna cites her grandfather - Norwich City legend Dave Stringer - as an inspiration, and she aims to stand out on the circle at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

She competed at the last games in Tokyo. 

At the 2019 World Athletics Championships in Doha, she did something that no other British woman had done in 36 years - she reached the shot put final.