A bid to build 41 houses in a coastal village will be discussed by councillors next week.

On Wednesday (September 6), Great Yarmouth Borough Council's development management committee will look at plans by Badger Building to construct the homes on agricultural land north of Scratby Road in Scratby.

If approved, the development would see 26 homes available on the open market and 15 would be categorised as affordable.

The bid was discussed at a previous meeting in April when councillors deferred consideration of the application to allow for further discussion with Badger Building about the proposed affordable housing mix.

Those conversations have seen the overall mix of affordable housing increase from 14 to 15.

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It is proposed that four shared ownership units will be accessible to people across the borough and beyond, being units available as ‘general needs’ housing.

The eleven so-called affordable rented houses will be made available to people through the council’s local allocations policy, which sees residents of the immediate area given priority. 

The plans also include a large area of public open space, a pumping station and an electric substation.

Concerns about overdevelopment in the village and increased traffic have seen 20 residents, as well as the parish council, object to the proposal.

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Planning papers for next Wednesday's committee meeting recommend councillors approve, giving the council's head of planning delegated powers to approve the scheme subject to certain conditions being followed. 

They say on balance it is considered the benefit of the additional affordable housing and the position of the development will assist in "maintaining a housing supply and addressing some need". 

A planning scheme for 67 homes on the site was refused in 2020.