A special bus will stop off in Great Yarmouth offering free antenatal support to parents and carers.

The WOW Bus (Wellness on Wheels) will roll into town on Thursday, October 12. 

It will be in the market place between 10am and 4pm.

The free event is a ‘drop-in’ opportunity for all parents and carers who want to know more about the early years of parenting which will support children to flourish.

Lydia Frere-Smith, Transformation Lead Midwife NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB, said: “Following the success of our previous events, we are pleased to be able to meet parents, carers and their babies on the WoW bus.

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“We encourage you to hop on-board and have the chance to speak with any of our colleagues about the various health and care services to help you and your baby happy and healthy."

The bus began its journey back in October 2021, supporting the Covid-19 vaccination of the homeless community across Norfolk and Waveney.

The roving bus has now evolved into WOW bus, with a particular focus on wellness.