Changes have been made to planning applications in Great Yarmouth.

New guidelines have been added for people applying for planning permission with Great Yarmouth Borough Council. The change is said to provide people with clear advice.

The Design Code - which forms part of the council’s Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - lays out what is expected in terms of design and "visually pleasing neighbourhoods, enhancing community pride and fostering a sense of place," the council said.

They also provide more detail and interpretation of design policies in the council’s Local Plan and will form a key consideration when planning applications are determined.

Stakeholder groups, including Natural England, took part in the code's final draft.

The SPD applies to all sizes and types of development within the borough, apart from some industrial and business developments which are covered by different guidelines. These include householder applications, small sites, major developments and regeneration sites.

The Design Code and the Supplementary Planning Document can be found on the Great Yarmouth Borough Council website at