A bid to build three 'family-sized' bungalows has been refused over concerns about the loss of a hedge.

The proposal was seeking permission for housing on land to the east of Manships Farm Cottage off Main Road in Ormesby.

The proposed site was a builders yard - and the applicant said the development would "effectively ‘round off’ the village boundary in this location".

But planners at Great Yarmouth Borough Council said the site was outside development limits.

They also said the removal of a hedgerow generated concern and "would erode some of the rural character of the site".

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A fence would be "an unnatural and inappropriate boundary treatment for the character of the area", they said.

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Other issues were with the design of one of the bungalows and a lack of detail regarding drainage.

Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby Parish Council had objected to the bid, raising concerns about visibility, sewerage and loss of a hedge.

In a planning statement, the applicant had said the development would play a social role by providing additional housing to meet supply.