A woman is celebrating her "life-changing" weight loss journey after she dropped eight dress sizes in less than a year.

Tracey Bradley, from Brundall, "couldn't have dreamed" of better results after she lost half her body weight, dropping from a size 28 to a 12 and losing nearly 10 stone.

Tracey said: “I had been overweight all of my adult life and my weight continued to increase over the years.

"I used to eat lots of high-fat and sugary foods and would snack on sweets and crisps.

Great Yarmouth Mercury: A woman from Norwich is celebrating her life changing weight loss journey after she dropped eight dress sizes in less than a yearA woman from Norwich is celebrating her life changing weight loss journey after she dropped eight dress sizes in less than a year (Image: Tracey Bradley)

"I reached the largest I had been in my life, a size 28 and was feeling fed up.

"I had tried several diets in the past but could never stick to them as they didn't teach me how to change habits of a lifetime.”

After joining the Slimming World group in Blofield last January, Tracey has received the Club 50 Award after reaching her 'dream weight'.

READ MORE: 'Losing weight has changed my life': Norfolk grandmother loses 10st - down from 23st

She continued: “The turning point came for me when I realised my health was being affected, I had very little energy and suffered very painful plantar fasciitis.

"I applied for a 12-week self-referral to attend the group through Norfolk County Council, it was really easy to apply and it gave me a boost to get started.”

Great Yarmouth Mercury: She has received the Club 50 Award after reaching her 'dream weight', dropping from a size 28 to a size 12 and losing 9 and a half stoneShe has received the Club 50 Award after reaching her 'dream weight', dropping from a size 28 to a size 12 and losing 9 and a half stone (Image: Tracey Bradley)

Having felt nervous, Tracey said she was made to feel very welcome, continuing: "People think slimming means going hungry, eating nothing but salad or obsessively counting every calorie you eat, but it's not like that at all.

READ MORE: Meet the father-of-two using weight loss journey to help others cut processed food

“As I lost weight I became more active as I found it easier to move, I started to walk more each day and would challenge myself with my steps.

"Over time I found that I no longer had pain in my feet and could go on longer walks and hikes with no problem.

“Slimming World has changed my life, I just wished I had joined sooner."