MEMBERS of Gorleston District Girlguiding and their families swelled the congregation to over 140 as they came together for a special Christingle service at the St Andrews Church Gorleston on Friday.

MEMBERS of Gorleston District Girlguiding and their families swelled the congregation to over 140 as they came together for a special Christingle service at the St Andrews Church Gorleston on Friday.

During the service, led by the Rev Tony Ward, carols and readings were performed by district unit members and Christingles were lit and paraded in the darkness of the church to the guiding song This Little Guiding Light of Mine.

District Commissioner Shirley Timewell said that the service provided all with the chance to reflect on the Christmas story.

She said: “It is important in this busy world we live in to stop and consider the real meaning of Christmas. The service gives us the opportunity to come together as a District to highlight this message to our units. We are especially grateful to the Reverend Ward for welcoming us to St Andrews and helping us to enjoy such a meaningful service.”

The Gorleston District includes units from Gorleston, Bradwell and Belton. During the service a collection was made for the Children's Society and St Andrews Church.