Hour by hour update:10.40am Light snow is falling in Great Yarmouth, adding to the already covered pavements and sideroads. Pavements are slippery where not gritted or cleared but the main roads in and out of the town are clear.

Hour by hour update:

10.40am Light snow is falling in Great Yarmouth, adding to the already covered pavements and sideroads.

Pavements are slippery where not gritted or cleared but the main roads in and out of the town are clear.

11.35am Roads clear, snow and ice thawing on pavements and sideroads. Light snow continues to fall.

12.40am No snow falling, roads clear, ice thawing, feeling a bit colder though.

1.35pm No snow falling, main roads clear, snow and ice covering untreated minor and side roads, and paths, temperature falling.

2.35pm No snow falling, main roads clear, snow and ice covering untreated minor and side roads and paths. Temp +3C but wind chill making it feel colder.

3.40pm No snow falling (are we the only part of the UK with no snow!). Winds picking up making it feel colder than it is. Main roads clear. No traffic holds ups.

4.50pm Still no snow. Cold wind. Just seen a shopper wearing knee length shorts and trainers and a windcheater. Not that warm. Log in tomorrow for hourly updates telling the world whether Great Yarmouth has snow - it has been forecast, but the weather experts can't be sure.

More updates to come…