FLEGG High School is set to receive a woodchip boiler as part of a project to manage woodlands across Norfolk and Suffolk to heat schools, farms and business on a long term basis.

FLEGG High School is set to receive a woodchip boiler as part of a project to manage woodlands across Norfolk and Suffolk to heat schools, farms and business on a long term basis.

The Woodfuel East project promotes the use of wood as a sustainable fuel and a stable and cheaper option saving up to 30pc of long-term energy costs by switching to using locally-bought wood.

Organisations, particularly those based in rural areas, are being told that not only will they help the environment by switching from oil and gas to heat their buildings, but they will also save money in the long run.

Working closely with the Forestry Commission, Woodfuel East will encourage woodland owners to sign up to the project and will help match them up with interested businesses, as well as handing out grants to help with start-up costs.

The boilers have already been installed at 16 schools across Suffolk.

The project, which has 25 partner organisations, and has been given £4.3m from the East of England Development Agency, will be rolled out across the six counties in the region.