OFSTED inspectors say Greenacre First, Middle and Nursery School is improving, helped by the acting headteacher, who has tackled weakness with renewed vigour.

OFSTED inspectors say Greenacre First, Middle and Nursery School is improving, helped by the acting headteacher, who has tackled weakness with renewed vigour.

A new report on the 521-pupil school in Great Yarmouth says it is “turning a corner” against a backdrop of “considerable uncertainty and upheaval.”

There is praise too for the strong determination of “senior leaders” who are slowly but steadily raising standards.

But the report does add that standards in English, maths and science remain below average, even though they have improved noticeably from an exceptionally low base.

The school was given an overall satisfactory grade, with inspectors picking out a range of successes and saying that children enjoyed school and that their attitude to learning was good.

Elsewhere it says: “The vast majority of pupils are friendly, polite and co-operative. Although, parents and pupils report some inappropriate behaviour and some boisterous play at break times, systems are in place to limit the effects of challenging behaviour.”

The report also noted the strong emphasis on literacy was helping across the curriculum. Healthy lifestyles are promoted actively and vulnerable pupils are supported well.

Governors and staff were this week said to be delighted with the report, which they described in a statement as “a green light to move ever further onward and upward.”

They said: “It is customary now for the inspectors not only to write to the governors and staff but also to the children themselves. The inspectors told the children they were polite and friendly and that they enjoyed school and were keen to learn.

“In spite of difficulties that the

school has faced over the last couple

of years the school was deemed satisfactory and the inspectors

noted that the school's staff and governors were working hard to ensure the children's progress and that much was now in place to effectively monitor and assess that progress.

“Above all the school was seen to provide a caring and supportive environment for learning.”