St Nicholas Priory Junior School in Great Yarmouth is looking to raise the achievement of its pupils by investing in new technology. The school, already given a good rating in their last Ofsted report, is hoping the new software will help them to improve the education they offer to their pupils.

St Nicholas Priory Junior School in Great Yarmouth is looking to raise the achievement of its pupils by investing in new technology. The school, already given a good rating in their last Ofsted report, is hoping the new software will help them to improve the education they offer to their pupils.

The software will enable teachers to get a full picture of how each child's learning is progressing against learning targets making it easier to spot children who are falling behind.

Mark Adams, head teacher, said: “When it came to choosing the software we were very clear about what we wanted it to achieve. We did not simply want something that defined a child in facts and figures. We were looking for a system that would correlate all the information about a child that we have; their photograph, personal details, attendance record, their behaviour, their successes and their test results. The new software allows us to store this data in one place to give us a rounded view of a child's performance. This will help teachers to do their job more effectively and ensure we have all the information we need about a child when we make any decisions relating to their learning.”