PUPILS from St Nicholas Priory Middle School stepped back in time to the year 1847 in the Victorian era. Year 6 pupils and staff dressed in Victorian clothing and visited the Elizabethan House Museum for a Victorian Servants Training Day.

PUPILS from St Nicholas Priory Middle School stepped back in time to the year 1847 in the Victorian era. Year 6 pupils and staff dressed in Victorian clothing and visited the Elizabethan House Museum for a Victorian Servants Training Day. Re-enacting the scenario of “would be” servants, the children learned how to wait on tables, cook and wash clothes the “Victorian” way. The children also took part in a traditional school lesson using quill pens, chalkboards and the cane, banging out the rhythm for “times tables.”

Prior to the visit to the museum, children and staff shared a traditional Victorian picnic consisting of “doorstep” sandwiches, and slabs of cake and fruit, all wrapped in brown paper parcels or cloth. All washed down with ginger beer and lemonade.

The days were an enormous success with all staff and children taking part thoroughly enjoying it.
