THE children of Stalham Infant School and Pre-school, aged two to seven, enjoyed an activity morning in the school hall making crafts based on the Valentine's heart theme - and raising money for the Haiti Earthquake Appeal.

THE children of Stalham Infant School and Pre-school, aged two to seven, enjoyed an activity morning in the school hall making crafts based on the Valentine's heart theme - and raising money for the Haiti Earthquake Appeal. The children also learned about Haiti and its devastating earthquake and parents made a small donation for their children to take part which will be sent to the DEC Haiti Earthquake Appeal. Head teacher, Joan Edwards, said: “We are only a very small school - so the sum raised for Haiti was very modest but the lesson in giving for our children is very valuable.”

When asked what he knew about Haiti, William, 4, said: “There was a big earthquake and all the houses fell down. They don't have any money or any things.”

Parent organiser Helen Leverage said: “These events really bring the whole school and pre-school together to create and have fun, and if we get them thinking about the wider world and its people and how we can help those in need, even better! We hold these whole school activity mornings regularly, and themes have included adopting an animal in an African Wildlife sanctuary, when we thought about why animals become endangered; another event had a multi-cultural theme and involved trying out traditional art techniques from around the world. Next half term's activities will be based around Easter and Spring time. We invite parents, carers, governors and PTA members to help out too - which adds to the fun!”