AN appeal to move a Great Yarmouth plaque dedicated to the Gurkhas received a boost this week. The idea is to move it from the grounds at the back of St George's Theatre to St George's Park.

AN appeal to move a Great Yarmouth plaque dedicated to the Gurkhas received a boost this week.

The idea is to move it from the grounds at the back of St George's Theatre to St George's Park. Ex-servicemen Bill O'Connor and Ian Burnett believe this would be a more fitting tribute to the world-famous fighting force.

In the Mercury of October 24 they appealed for help in try-ing to track down the family of a former gunner, Mr E Willi-ams, who placed the plaque. His son responded and said the family agreed to the move.

The plaque was laid in May 1988, and the original stone-mason, Colin Smith, has said he would do the work needed.

Mr O'Connor said: “Our idea to move the plaque to St George's Park is still to be discussed by council and will go before a committee, but we hope there won't be any objections. The Gurkhas have always been our allies and fought alongside us. People shouldn't forget the huge contributions they have made to the conflicts this country has been involved in.”

Mr O'Connor and Mr Burnett belong to Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) a non-political, non-sectarian organisation that remembers and celebrates the comrade-ship and help between people from the armed services.

On Sunday, the new MOTH standard will be blessed at 6.30pm at St Nicholas's Church.