A man with suspected swine flu, who had been drinking alcohol on top of his Tami flu medication, was caught walking along Great Yarmouth's busy Regent Road with a kitchen knife in his back pocket, a court heard.

A man with suspected swine flu, who had been drinking alcohol on top of his Tami flu medication, was caught walking along Great Yarmouth's busy Regent Road with a kitchen knife in his back pocket, a court heard.

Police got Jason McWhinney, 26, to hand over the weapon and he told officers that someone had battered him over the head with a bottle so he had fetched the knife from home.

McWhinney, of Wolseley Road, Yarmouth, admitted possession of a weapon, on July 25, this year.

Jim Dick, for McWhinney, said he accepted what he did was very foolish and said he had been drinking on top of taking Tami flu for suspected swine flu.

“It may be the use of that medication had some impact on him.”

Judge Jeremy Richards jailed McWhinney for six months suspended for 15 months and ordered him to do 180 hours unpaid work.

He said he was found in possession of a knife on one of the busiest roads in Great Yarmouth in the middle of the summer season.

“You had obviously come to the attention of members of the public.”

He said there was public concern about those who carry knives but accepted that in this case no actual violence was used.