IT was when the nurse told him that if he didn't lose weight quickly he would become fully diabetic that Tony How realised he had to do something, and fast.

IT was when the nurse told him that if he didn't lose weight quickly he would become fully diabetic that Tony How realised he had to do something, and fast.

Now, one year later, the father of three and taxi driver has a new life and is brimming with confidence after losing five and a half stone.

He said: “I told the nurse that the next time she saw me I would have lost the weight. I haven't looked back since, so when we met again a few weeks ago she was absolutely gobsmacked - I was really proud of myself.”

Tony How, 45, was an XXXL when he went to that fateful check-up at his clinic in Ludham and suffered a range of ailments because of his size.

He had put on the weight since leaving school to the point of being 20 stone, and had bad circulation as well as sleep apnoea, which left him exhausted during work.

“A week after the nurse's warning I joined Slimming World with my 20-year-old son Darren, which helped a lot, and there was a group there who have always been supportive.

“I still go every Thursday and we talk about how we've been doing over the week - Darren's lost two and a half stone too since we started and my slimming co-ordinator Barbara Wilcox has been great.”

“Whereas before I would often just grab a packet of crisps and a chocolate bar when I was hungry, now I try to have more protein, and work out for 15 minutes a day. I enjoy being more active now.”

Mr How, of Catfield, has also found that the weight loss, which he managed to achieve in just over eight months, has meant he has won back his confidence and feels younger.

Having separated from his wife, he met his current partner Tracy Hurren, 37, in July and showed her pictures of his former, bigger, self a week after they met.

He said: “She was shocked when she saw the pictures of me as I used to be because I looked older before.”

But he is confident that he will be able to keep the weight off over Christmas.

“I will just have to make sure the food is as non-fatty as possible.

“Overall, though, I'm finding it easy to keep the weight off. I just have to carry on doing what I'm doing.”

For more details about Slimming World, contact Barbara Wilcox on 07812 734 621.�