If you go down to Fritton Woods today, you could be in for an extraterrestrial surprise.

Even scientists admit it is unlikely that humankind is alone in an infinite universe and that somewhere out there, other intelligent beings are looking up into their night sky from different worlds and asking themselves the same questions we do.

Or perhaps they are closer to home. Perhaps, they are in Fritton?

In July 1997, two people were sitting in their car at the woods during the hours of darkness when they saw something very strange.

There, next to a tree were two people. But were they people?

As the couple strained their eyes to see, they realised that the two ‘people’ in front of them were human-like, rather than human.

The dark creatures were tall with elongated necks and long, slim hands.

Understandably, the couple in the car were frightened and decided not to spend long in a staring match with creatures potentially from another planet.

The driver of the car flicked on the headlights and started the engine and as light flooded the woodland, the creatures simply vanished behind a tree.

Creatures with long necks that look otherwise human have been reported across the world in much the same way as the folk phenomenon of the Black-Eyed Children.

In the latter tale, people report strange encounters with children whose eyes are entirely black who try to wheedle their way into their home or car and who ooze a sense of panic and fear.

The children are always described as being between the ages of six and 16 with completely black eyes and strange or out of date clothing.

While their eyes are unsettling, people report that the really terrifying thing about the children is the feeling of overwhelming dread that accompanies their appearance.

The black-eyed children always ask for something, but there are no stories that report what happens if the children get what they ask for – presumably this is for a reason.

Waveney Forest, also known as Fritton Wood or Warren, was used during World War One and World War Two for training purposes.

During WWI, it was within the infantry defence scheme for Great Yarmouth and the trench systems created during that time can still be found.

In 1943, the American Army used the area for the training of infantry and the woods were used for D-Day preparations and for storing depth charges.

Last year, a nationwide survey revealed that Norwich had the highest levels of alien activity with 30 per cent of people claiming to have seen something inexplicable in the sky or had some form of alien encounter.

Weird Norfolk documented how the East of England was one of the most active in terms of UFO activity in the UK during the months of 2020 when 56 reports were made to either police or one of a number of UFO organisations in the Britain.

The truth is out there. Possibly after dark, in Fritton Woods.