It’s a decision as finely balanced as a skater’s blade...

But borough councillors in Great Yarmouth will end a will they/wont they conundrum tomorrow when they vote on whether to bring the ice rink back for Christmas.

In papers presented to all 39 members who collectively have the final say officers say the best way forward is to hire a rink for this year and look more deeply into buying one later.

The issue will be debated at a special meeting at the town hall at 7pm.

Last month the economic development committee recommended buying a rink after looking into all the numbers.

Tomorrow however, members are being told that if they want a rink at all they should hire one, at least for this season, as they did in 2015.

MORE: Great Yarmouth set to spend £400,000 on its own ice rinkThen the cost to the council was £111,927 - a sum tagged as both a waste of money and good value in terms of creating a buzz and driving up footfall.

The report states that neither option, buying or hiring, produces a break-even position for the authority.

However it says feedback about the attraction when it was here before was largely positive.

It says the rink did its job in terms of creating a vibrant atmosphere and also found favour with potential investors looking for a greater year-round offer.

Positive comments from people visiting the town proved that many enjoyed it whether they were skating themselves or watching.

MORE: Shoppers festive footfall slip is blamed on absence of ice rinkOne person said: “Life is about enjoyment and in your busy life if you stopped to either look at the fantastic Christmas lights, took a stroll through the Christmas market or where indeed brave enough to have a go on the ice rink you would have seen happiness everywhere.”

If councillors go ahead and agree to host an ice rink this year the proposed ticket prices will be £10 an adult, £7.50 a child, and £30 for a family.

It would run from November 17 to January 4, 47 days.