Eyesight is something most of us take for granted - however, a group of people gained a brief experience of life without vision last week.Great Yarmouth MP Tony Wright and mayor and mayoress Tony and Sara Smith were among those marking World Sight Day on Friday.

Eyesight is something most of us take for granted - however, a group of people gained a brief experience of life without vision last week.

Great Yarmouth MP Tony Wright and mayor and mayoress Tony and Sara Smith were among those marking World Sight Day on Friday.

Mr Wright and Mr Smith led the 300m blindfold walk around St George's Park organised by Great Yarmouth Lions Club to highlight the problem of preventable blindness.

They were joined by representatives Norfolk and Norwich Association

for the Blind, Great Yarmouth

Visually Impaired Group, the

HAPPI group and Insight talking newspaper. Mr Wright said: “It is a lesson for us when our sense of

sight is taken away - living in a

dark world is extremely difficult.”

Yarmouth Lions have collected 41,000 pairs of spectacles for people with eyesight problems in the third world and helped with the annual Norfolk

and Norwich Association for the Blind holiday.

The Sight First campaign is organised by Lions Clubs International to tackle preventable and curable blindness.