All that is great about Great Yarmouth is being celebrated in an exhibition put together by artists from the town.

Yare Gallery on South Quay will have a new exhibition from January 21 entitled Yarmouth is Great.

The exhibition highlights reasons people live, work and visit the town and has been put together by three Great Yarmouth artists.

It contains everyday scenes by Peter Rodulfo, watercolours by Andrew Dibben and atmospheric scenes of the town's industrial areas by Katarzyna Coleman.

Also on display are paintings by the late muralist John Dashwood - whose work is still on display outside the Time and Tide museum and the Drill House.

Historic posters and some of the iconic brands, such as Lacons, which have been manufacturing in the town since Victorian times will also be displayed.

Yare Gallery's new shop, which features pottery and screen print, will also be open throughout the exhibition.

Entry is free and onsite parking is available at the side of the gallery.

For more information, visit the Yare Gallery website.