Traders on Great Yarmouth market said business was steady over Christmas, with stallholders remaining positive about the upcoming year.

Great Yarmouth Mercury: Great Yarmouth's new market building on December 28, 2023. Picture - James WeedsGreat Yarmouth's new market building on December 28, 2023. Picture - James Weeds (Image: James Weeds)As the second phase of the £4.7m marketplace overhaul has been completed, a steady flow of people have been visiting old favourites and new businesses in the town centre.

Over at Johnny's Chips, Pies and Peas, owners Lucy and Sean Dearn said trade has picked up a little since the opening of the second phase.

Great Yarmouth Mercury: Sean and Lucy Dearn at their market stall, Johnny's Chips, Pies and Peas. Picture - James WeedsSean and Lucy Dearn at their market stall, Johnny's Chips, Pies and Peas. Picture - James Weeds (Image: James Weeds)"It's been good for us now there are more businesses open and people are out and about," Mrs Dearn said.

"Customers have stuck around more now there are more places to sit, which has been good to see.

"Business has been steady. The Saturday before Christmas was like a regular weekend, and things have been okay since Boxing Day."

Great Yarmouth Mercury: People using the seating area inside Great Yarmouth's £4.7m market revamp. Picture - James WeedsPeople using the seating area inside Great Yarmouth's £4.7m market revamp. Picture - James Weeds (Image: James Weeds)Mr Dearn said he expects trade will slow down over the next few weeks, in line with previous years. But he remains hopeful things will pick up again soon after.

"People have their favourites," he said. "And we've had people say they were glad we were still doing the pies and peas.

"It would be nice for some events to happen in the town centre. I think that could really draw more people here."

Great Yarmouth Mercury: Ivan Ammon serving a customer at Ki Ki Ri Ki. Picture - SubmittedIvan Ammon serving a customer at Ki Ki Ri Ki. Picture - Submitted (Image: Submitted)New business Ki Ki Ri Ki - which sells rotisserie chicken, meat-filled rolls, Portuguese snacks and continental coffees - opened in mid-November. Owner Ivan Ammon said his business is still establishing itself in the town centre.

"We're all working together, and every day is different," he said.

"It's taking a while for people to know we are here and what we sell. But I think people will enjoy our food when they try it. Plus, it's very low-fat, so I think it will be popular with gym-goers especially."

Great Yarmouth Mercury: Manager Christina Gibson with staff at Docwra's Chips. Picture - James WeedsManager Christina Gibson with staff at Docwra's Chips. Picture - James Weeds (Image: James Weeds)Docwra's Chips moved from their old stall into the covered market in late November. Manager Christina Gibson said her new stall is "lovely" but things take time to perfect.

"It's been very slow for this time of year," she said.

"But things did pick up the week leading to Christmas. People are gradually walking through and seeing what's down here. But these things take time."