A woman from Scratby has released a song in memory of her father who lost his life to dementia.

Jules Hurren has released the song 'I Am Still Me' following the death of her beloved parent in May 2021.

As well as paying tribute the song also raises awareness of the experiences of people living with Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.

"I had a magical connection with Dad," Mrs Hurren, 57, said.

"It was so sad to see what the dementia had done to him by the end.

"But despite his confusion, I could see he was still in there."

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Mrs Hurren's late father, Bill Pryke, was diagnosed with vascular dementia following the death of his wife.

Mrs Hurren and her husband, Dale, moved Mr Pryke from Mildenhall into their family home so they could take care of him.

But as his condition deteriorated he moved into a residential home.

"It was clear he needed 24-hour care," Mrs Hurren said.

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Mr Pryke became a resident at The Elms in Gorleston, a place Mrs Hurren said was "incredible".

Mr Pryke died on May 1, 2021. He was 85 years old.

Before his death, Mrs Hurren would visit and sing him songs by artists such as Frank Sinatra.

Mrs Hurren said she could still see her father with a "sparkle in his eye" and that he always remembered her name.

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Throughout the lockdowns, Mrs Hurren began singing at home as something to pass the time. Quickly, singing became "therapeutic" to her and she began uploading cover songs to YouTube.

She said she had had no plans to write original songs until one morning following her father's death.

"All of a sudden, words came to my brain," she said.

"It really felt like my dad sent me the words."

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Mrs Hurren contacted her nephew Ben - a musician based in Majorca. Together, they recorded the song online, sending edits back and forth.

She said: "It's a recognition that people with dementia are still in there.

"And they should still be treated with the same amount of respect and patience."

'I Am Still Me' is available on iTunes, Spotify and YouTube.

There is also a collection box at Hair Paradise in Caister.

All proceeds from the single will go to Dementia UK and the Alzheimer's Association.

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